A life’s work recognised

In a sea of young, smiling graduates taking selfies in their academic dress stood Dr David Hansman (PhD ’24) preparing to cross the stage. Collecting his […]

An appetite for improving infant nutrition

The drive to understand how Omega fatty acids affect developmental outcomes in babies propelled Professor Maria Makrides (BNutDiet(GradEntry) ’91, PhD(Med) ’95) to discover vast knowledge about […]

Healthy ageing for all stages of life

An advocate for patient-centred care and creator of the longest running study of women’s health in Australia, Professor Cassandra Szoeke (BM, BS(GradEntry) ’99) has spent her […]

Matters of the heart

Applying her expertise as a biomedical engineer to cardiology research, Dr Dhani Dharmaprani’s (BEng(Biomed)(Hons) 2016, PhD(Med) ’20) work aims to better understand and develop new treatments […]

Cultural narrative shines through

By Hannah Wooller A commitment to seek shared wisdom and guidance will ensure a connectivity to Country for the centrepiece of the University’s Flinders Village development. […]

Bringing the frontline to the classroom

In the ever-evolving field of paramedicine, James Pearce (BHlthSc (Paramedic) ’07), Flinders University Senior Lecturer in Paramedicine, registered paramedic and PhD candidate, tells us how he […]