Matters of the heart

Applying her expertise as a biomedical engineer to cardiology research, Dr Dhani Dharmaprani’s (BEng(Biomed)(Hons) 2016, PhD(Med) ’20) work aims to better understand and develop new treatments […]

A focus on veteran wellbeing

As a proud veteran, Flinders University Sociology graduate Professor Ben Wadham is passionate about helping other veterans and their families as they transition to civilian life. […]

Forging a positive path for young clinicians

A world-leader of laboratory and clinically-based research in ophthalmology and vision science, Professor Justine Smith AM (PhD(Med) ’99) has chaired countless eye and vision meetings, won […]

Healthy habits for future generations

Fostering a positive culture in the workplace, Dr Brittany Johnson’s (BNutDiet ’11, PhD ’20) commitment to supporting future researchers as she continues to make significant contributions […]

Finding the right mix for better outcomes

  Setting out during his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering as a student ambassador, Thomas Beltrame (BEng(Biome)(Hons),MEng(Biomed) ’20) has always held true a vision of helping […]

Learning for the greater good

A pragmatic academic and practitioner with more than 25 years’ experience in leading health administrative systems, Dr Lourenço Camnahas (BHlthSc ’02, MHlthAdmin ’08, PhD ’20) has […]