The Caring Futures Institute and its researchers were featured in the media throughout March. Check out the reach of our expertise!
ABC TV The Drum: Professor Julie Ratcliffe and her research was mentioned on ABC TV program The Drum on March 1 following the release of the final report of the Royal Commission into aged care. On the program Ian Henschke Chief Advocate for National Seniors Australia mentioned Prof Ratcliffe’s research that found only 20% of people in home care felt they were getting cared for properly all the time. Prof Ratcliffe’s research was also mentioned in newspapers across the country reporting on the Royal Commission. Titles included The Australian and Sydney Morning Herald. Prof Ratcliffe was also interviewed by ABC Radio Adelaide presenter Sonya Feldhoff. Read the Sydney Morning Herald article.
2CC Radio Canberra: Caring Futures Institute researcher Dr Rachel Milte was interviewed about the aged care workforce and how the sector needs to attract more workers.
Various NewsCorp titles. Vegie solution for kids. Professor Rebecca Golley’s research into strategies to get children to like vegetables and eat more of them was covered in various NewsCorp titles in March, including the Herald Sun and West Australian. Prof Golley was also interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney and 6PR Perth on the topic.