The stories and lived experiences of aged care consumers, their families and providers will be explored in a new research project led by Flinders University.
Dr Sarah Peters from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and Caring Futures Institute researcher Professor Sue Gordon, Chair of Restorative Care in Ageing, are looking for research participants who fall in one of those three categories; aged care consumers, their families or providers.
Playwright Dr Peters is leading interviews of people to better understand these experiences.
She will then use the stories to write a play and other digital performance artefacts so that the experience of accessing and providing aged care, or supporting a family member or friend through this process, can be better understood by the broader community.
The research team hopes that by doing this more people will understand this important phase of life.
If you are interested in finding out more about this project, or expressing interest in participating in an interview, please contact the research assistant Alexander Cothren either via email alexander.cothren@flinders.edu.au or phone 0452 237 771.
The project has been approved by Flinders University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (project number 4495).