Co-leads Helen Stephenson and Professor Franziska Trede from Charles Sturt University, with Professor Janice Orrell received a small commissioned grant last year from the Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN). They have been funded to review OLT, ACEN, Ako Aotearoa, NZACE, Government of Canada[1] and WACE databases for open access online WIL, employability and entrepreneurship resources suitable for online use with students.
The team is developing a rubric to categorise, then tag identified resources. A repository of research informed resources (a WIL Resource Treasury) will then be curated for placement on ACEN’s website, along with a Teacher Information Guide providing educational underpinnings on how the Treasury may be used within curricula to support students’ development of WIL, employability and entrepreneurship skills. The project is due for completion in November this year.
For more information, contact Helen Stephenson.
[1] (E.g. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)