Preparing for Teaching: Semester 2

Are you teaching at Flinders in Semester 2? Teaching and learning will look quite different and there are a range of supports available to help you prepare.

Need help applying your magic to update your FLO site before students get access (exactly one week before the topic starts)? Take a look at the Preparing for teaching in FLO site.  An ‘Interactive checklist of key tasks (quick view)’ that you can tick off as you go is now available (Word document, Module 0). The suggested (=ideal) timeline starts 2-3 months prior to topic commencement. Don’t be daunted if you feel behind schedule already – this handy checklist (module by module) will help you cover the basics and might remind you of things you would otherwise have forgotten, just in time. All points link to relevant information, forms and resources. Nothing is assumed, so this site will help you find key contacts and information.

You may prefer this handy checklist instead that lists the essential tasks to do in your FLO site before students have access.

If you need design advice, you can book a session with the Learning Designer in your college. Alternatively you can contact eLearning Support via Service One (choose Education Services – FLO General Query).

Teaching practice and topic design
The Academic Development team can help translate your teaching ideas into a solid teaching plan for your topic and how you teach it. Visit the Learning and Teaching pages or contact CILT to speak with an academic developer. You could also come along to one of their workshops, most of which are available across campuses via videoconference or Collaborate on request.

Need help with your Readings list or navigating the Readings system? Contact the Learning Access team via the Readings query in Service One (choose Education Services) for help. Links to the Readings system can be found in your FLO sites, and a help guide is available. The great thing about the Readings system is that the Library will make sure your resources are compliant with copyright and legislative requirements so that the University can meet its legal obligations, which means you don’t need to worry about this.

2 hour collection moving to 7 day loan collection
The Library is unable to provide a 2 hour collection due to COVID-19 restrictions and the required 72 hour isolation of print books. All 2 hour loans are now available for 7 day loans and can be borrowed from our main collection. The Library is focused on providing enhanced access to the Library collection via eBooks where possible.

Resources for teaching
View the Copyright website to find out about educational resources e.g. audio, images, video, that you can use to supplement teaching material. Use the form via Service One for any specific queries about copyright in material you wish to use.

Have you heard about Open Educational Resources (OERs)? OER’s include textbooks, quizzes, full courses, lesson plans, syllabus, modules, case studies, assignments, multimedia, images and more! For how to search for OERs in textbook, image, multimedia, (and other) formats, visit the Creative Commons OER page

The Library can help you locate online resources for your topic. There is an extensive range of materials available – from electronic textbooks to multimedia. Many of these you can source from the Library’s subscription collections; others are accessible through quality open educational resources that are free to use (and often adaptable). View the Online Content for Topics Guide or contact the Learning and Teaching Library Services Team for assistance via Service One – Online Content for Topics.

The university textbook form is the official way to alert the library and Disability Services of your textbook needs. You can also access this from the Library Readings page for Teaching Staff and via your FLO site.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 related restrictions are impacting on the transport of textbooks. As such, please be mindful that students and the Library may not be able to procure print textbooks in a timely fashion if at all in some instances. The earlier you can provide your textbook information to the Library the greater the chance that your textbook will be made available to students in time for Semester 2.

If you need help, please contact the Learning Access Team via a Textbook Notification Query.=

Library familiarisation for students
The Library Learning and Teaching team can help your students learn the information and research skills they need to succeed at university. For more ideas on how our team can help you and your students, visit our showcase topic in FLO. Contact us via Service One using the form Embedding library skills in my topic (choose Education services).

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Ed tech

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