We need your rubrics!

Do you have effective rubrics? The Rubrics working group which is a sub-group of the Assessment Policy Working Party are developing a collection of rubrics covering as many assessment types as possible.

We need your help to develop this collection.

Please let us know if you have an example of a rubric which works well with your students that you are willing to share. The rubric will be peer reviewed by the group to ensure it is not a duplicate of others we have collected and fits one of the broad assessment types listed in the Assessment Policy Practice Procedures.

Please send your rubrics to one of the following:

College of Business Government and Law: Robert Chalmers robert.chalmers@flinders.edu.au

College of Medicine and Public Health: James Thompson james.thompson@flinders.edu.au

College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Shane Bevin shane.bevin@flinders.edu.au

College of Science and Engineering: Narelle Hunter narelle.hunter@flinders.edu.au

College of Nursing and Health Sciences: Jane Harford jane.harford@flinders.edu.au

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work: Ann Luzeckyj ann.luzeckyj@flinders.edu.au

Any college or other area: Ann Luzeckyj ann.luzeckyj@flinders.edu.au or Carina Correas carina.correas@flinders.edu.au

Thank you from the Rubrics working group

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