What is ETAP?
The Educational Technology Alignment Program (ETAP) will focus on ensuring our educational technology products and services are capable of enabling educational quality and the educational experience we want to deliver at Flinders.
Why is ETAP important to Flinders?
Flinders have set an ambitious goal, as outlined in the 2025 Agenda, to be “an international leader in educational innovation, advanced learning technologies and learning analytics”. ETAP will directly contribute to this by providing a program to review educational technology products and services at Flinders. ETAP will enable us to make decisions on whether we should – retire, replace or uplift our product and services that make-up the educational technology ecosystem at Flinders.
What is ETAP Delivering?
ETAP will deliver the following:
- A defined list of educational technology systems at Flinders.
- Service catalogue and support model for all current education technology systems.
- Series of projects to address the need to retire/replace or uplift technologies
- Architect diagrams showing how the current systems are providing data to/ or receiving data from each other.
- Gap analysis showing requirements not being currently met.
- Technology roadmap showing alignment to the 2025 agenda, Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching and Education Quality Framework.
- Open consultation and feedback gathering for academics and students and professional staff.
- Defined change management and communication approach to all projects within the program.
- Support effective use of educational technology through the re-design and uplift of education technology training.
ETAP will deliver the following sub-project:
- A review of the current Learning Management System (LMS).
- Online Invigilation Pilot.
- Enhancement to the Online Video Capability.
How are decisions made?
Work on the ETAP Program is prioritised by the Product Owners – Grette Wilkinson and Karen Lillywhite, and Sponsor – Deborah West. Work is then endorsed by the ETAP Program Board and finally approved by the Digital Student and Teaching Services Governance Group (Chaired by Prof. Clare Pollock, Deputy Vice Chancellor Students).
How does work get prioritised?
The scope of work (aka ‘the backlog’) for the ETAP Program is prioritised by the Product Owners – Grette Wilkinson and Karen Lillywhite, and Sponsor – Deborah West. The Product Owners and Sponsor will lead ongoing consultation and feedback with academics, student and staff in order to prioritise this work.
Can I be involved?
Yes, contact the ETAP Program team via dststeam@flinders.edu.aufor a chat about how you would like to be involved.