Arnott research entry scholarship in cancer research

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians invites applications for the Arnott research entry scholarship in cancer research. This supports research into the causes and prevention of cancer.

Australian and New Zealand fellows and trainees of the RACP, its divisions, faculties and chapters may apply. Applicants must be at the start of their research careers or enrolled or about to enrol in a master’s, PhD or equivalent higher degree.

The scholarship is worth up to AUD 45,000 for one year and is tenable in Australia and New Zealand.

·         Closing date 13th July 2020

·         Deadline information Applications are invited between 1st May and 11.59pm AEST, 13th July 2020. This call is repeated once a year.

Visit funder’s web page for this opportunity

Royal Australasian College of Physicians, AU

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