Humans of FHMRI: Amy Wyatt

Before her appointment as Senior Lecturer in Medical Biochemistry at Flinders University, Dr. Amy Wyatt completed postdoctoral studies at the University of Wollongong and the University of Cambridge, UK. Her current research spans many disciplines including biochemistry, neuroscience, psychology, education and sociology.

In 25 words or less, tell us what your research is about?

I have many research interests, one is understanding the biological, environmental and social factors affecting the life quality of neurodivergent Australians.

How do you believe your research will impact patient care or public health outcomes?

Neurodiversity adds value to society, but neurodivergent populations are at increased risk of dementia, chronic pain, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune conditions and mental health concerns. My goal is to support the neurodivergent community to live well.

What do you enjoy most about being a researcher?

I enjoy having the freedom to think deeply about things I find interesting and meaningful. I enjoy making unexpected connections that provide new information about how the body works or about the human experience.

What do you do when you’re not researching?

Most of my time is spent with my family including our many, many pets. We enjoy exploring new places and being creative. I occasionally sing in a band and make art.

What advice would you give to aspiring health and medical researchers?

If you are undergraduate student, look out for opportunities to gain experience such as enrolling in a professional placement topic or applying for a FHMRI summer scholarship. If you are interested in enrolling in Honours, feel welcome to contact me as I am the course coordinator.


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FHMRI staff