Buildings and Property one stop shop

Flinders has a refreshed one-stop system for requesting buildings maintenance, cleaning and caretaking services.

The Buildings and Property Request System (BPRS) (formerly BEIMS) can be accessed by anyone with a FAN and is easy to use.  It now covers all Flinders University campus locations nationally.

Ensure you bookmark the page for future reference, or access it from the Buildings & Property webpage.

The main services number (8201 2733) remains in operation for any queries however all jobs must now be logged through the portal.  This allows Buildings & Property to better manage the large volume of requests received daily, and provide you with automatic updates as your job is progressed.

Wherever possible, book caretaking services at least a week in advance.  Pre-booked jobs can be arranged simply by including the required date on the request form.  Jobs are prioritised by the relevant team to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all campus users.

More information on our services is available on the Buildings & Property webpage.

Security and emergency matters should continue to be directed to 8201 2880.

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