Turning up the heat on teen health

Teenagers and their parents are being sought to trial a Flinders University online program that aims to improve teenagers’ eating, activity and well-being.

The new Health Online for Teens (HOT) program is supported by the National Heart Foundation of Australia. Volunteers will be monitored over a 14- week period, completing questionnaires and wearing an activity monitoring device for one week at the beginning and end of the program. They may also be interviewed to provide feedback on their experience with the trial.

Parents will have access to a program that shares tips on how to support their child and enables them to see what physical activities they are undertaking.

Participating teenagers will all receive a $50 gift card.

Volunteer requirements

Volunteers must be aged between 13 and 17, be over the healthy weight range for their height and have access to Wi-Fi at home. They cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.


Participants can register their interest or find out more or contact HOT@flinders.edu.au for questions about the program.



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