Speak and influence like a pro

A new Flinders club is providing a supportive environment for staff and students alike who are keen to improve their ability to influence, engage and lead by honing their all-important presentation and speaking skills.

The Flinders University Toastmasters Club brings together both experienced and novice presenters to deliver speeches, including prepared and off-the-cuff, and provide coaching and feedback to build these critical skills in a safe and friendly environment.

Those set to benefit the most include people who:

  • Have great ideas – but find it challenging to persuade others of their value
  • Wish they always had a ready answer on the spot
  • Have difficulty articulating their ideas to provide a quick, timely response
    Toastmasters Club members let others speak their mind without interruption and provide immediate encouraging, constructive feedback to help build critical speaking skills – a key to success in any field.

Interested staff and students are invited to join the group on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 4:30pm, in the Oasis Common Room at Bedford Park campus.

Register online

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