Students are making the most of events and activities on offer this week during Connect Week, including dropping into the new Meet and Greet Space in the Welcome Hub at Bedford Park, with Skills Week next on the agenda.
The next phase in Flinders’ inaugural five-week orientation program will offer a variety of events and activities to help students develop the skills they need for academic success, including library drop in sessions, academic preparation seminars and more.
Skills Week is also the perfect opportunity for students to start preparing their path to career success, through a variety of career-planning events and professional development sessions.
Students studying online, or at other campuses, will be directed to the orientation website for tips to build their academic skills and for resources to start planning their career.
All students are also being encouraged to complete Finding Your Way at Flinders – the University’s new digital orientation program designed to set students up for success at University.
More information about the five-week extended orientation program is available at: