Web pages explain your policy obligations

Web resources have been developed and refreshed to help Flinders University staff understand their legislative and policy obligations with respect to foreign interactions and conflicts of interest.

Staff engaging in any activity or partnership on behalf of, or with a foreign government, university, business or any other foreign organisation or entity as part of their University business, must evaluate the proposed activity or partnership for the risk of foreign interference, foreign influence and/or statutory reporting or regulatory obligations.

The Foreign Interactions webpage provides information on the various legislation, definitions, due diligence and reporting obligations relevant to foreign interactions to support members of the University community to manage the potential risks arising from their foreign interactions, and to ensure compliance with legislation and the University’s Foreign Interactions Policy.

The Conflict of Interest webpage has recently been refreshed in line with the revised Conflict of Interest Policy. This webpage provides guidance information to assist staff to meet the expectations and obligations under the policy, including conflict of interest examples and management strategies.

Some of the updated requirements of the revised policy include:

  • Declaring any foreign financial support, association with foreign-sponsored talent programs, affiliation with any foreign university, government, political party, state-owned enterprise, military and/or police organisation.
  • Declaring any employment other than with or for the University.
  • Declaring any gifts or benefits received or provided that exceeds $50, and seeking pre-approval for any gift or benefit that exceeds $250.

Please make use of these web resources to understand and comply with your legislative and policy obligations relating to foreign interactions and conflicts of interest.

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