New research focus for epigenetics seminar

To help promote epigenetic research within South Australia, the Epigenetics Consortium of South Australia presents the first of the consortium’s bi-annual “Ground Breaking Epigenetic Discovery Seminars” for 2022 on Wednesday 27 July.

This seminar – Mum’s the word – long lived effects of maternally supplied epigenetic regulator SMCHD1 on offspring gene expression – will be presented by Professor Marnie Blewitt via Zoom from 3pm.

Two times each year, the consortium presents a researcher from around the world to talk about their latest discoveries that will have a dramatic impact in the field of Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology. The 45-minute presentation is followed by questions and discussion.

Professor Blewitt, an NHMRC Leadership fellow, leads the Epigenetics and Development Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne. Her lab focuses on understanding the mechanisms of epigenetic control, and how such mechanisms can be manipulated in the context of disease.

Professor Blewitt’s recent work on SMCHD1 and mechanisms of epigenetic silencing earned her the Genetics Society of AustralAsia Ross Crozier medal and the Lorne Genome Women in Science award.

For more information and to register, click here:

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