Join us for an extraordinary live stream event as we witness the journey of our university’s namesake, the legendary Captain Mathew Flinders, to his final resting place in Donington, UK. This occasion marks 250 years since the birth of this intrepid explorer who chartered Australia’s coastline.
On July 13, from 11PM SA time, be part of history as we broadcast the reinterment ceremony live. Follow our social media platforms for exclusive behind-the-scenes updates from Chancellor John Hood, who will represent our university during three days of commemorative events, including a special gathering at Australia House with alumni and friends. The discovery of Captain Flinders’ remains during renovations at Euston railway station in 2019 captivated the world. Now, you can be part of his final journey home.
Before the ceremony, delve into the fascinating world of Flinders through our Special Collections, featuring rare historical artifacts that bring his legacy to life. You can read more about the discovery here and see videos of some of the historical items, or follow along as Sophie Parker from Art Lab restores Matthew Flinders’ own pocket compass and buttons from his naval captain’s jacket. Don’t miss this opportunity to honour the man who inspired our institution and shaped Australia’s history. Join us in celebrating the extraordinary life and enduring legacy of Captain Matthew Flinders.