World Café event encourages collaboration

Information and Digital Services (IDS) at Flinders recently came together with partners from across the education community to participate in the inaugural 2024 Education Technology World Café event.

Several exciting projects are underway in 2024 focusing on enhancing Flinders’ teaching and learning experience through curriculum planning, student integrity and case management, curriculum analytics, marketing and recruitment, the student system and more.

The World Café method was chosen to facilitate this gathering, as it is a flexible format for hosting large group dialogue (you can find out more about the World Cafe concept by clicking here).

It enabled colleagues from across the university to join project teams and understand more about the new initiatives, and to provide input through ‘pressure test’ assumptions and conversations. It was a wonderful opportunity for many participants to contribute to the future of teaching and learning at Flinders in a fun and collaborative way.

Following the success of this initial event, the team is keen to continue a World Cafe series throughout the year, to update colleagues and stakeholders on progress and provide further opportunities for collaborative input.

If you’re keen to join the next World Cafe event and would like to receive an invitation, please get in touch with Ewa Seidel, Associate Director, IDS Research & Education Engagement & Success –

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Information and Digital Services