Flinders in the NT, particularly the NTMP, works very closely with clinical supervisors to deliver our medical program. The context of the NT presents particular challenges and the students are integral to the health service delivery.
We have commenced a series of workshops to develop mentoring skills and potentially nurture a community of practice to support the learning environment through the Flinders NT Regional Training Hub (RTH). The Flinders NT RTH is funded to support the development of opportunities for doctors in training. A series of workshops commenced yesterday evening with thought provoking presentations by Dr Howard Flavell, Dr Nadi Pandithage and Dr Claire Gorham. We are working with the Pam McLean Centre, a leader in communication skills training, to deliver this face-to-face series of workshops in Darwin, and will be evaluating the success of this pilot. We also welcome suggestions regarding delivery of this workshop in other NT sites. Find out more >
In addition Dr Clarisa Lopez has commenced in the role of medical education registrar with the Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospital. She graduated from our program 3 years ago and will focus on the learning context of RDH for third year medical students in RDH.
Clarisa is enthusiastic about the program, the opportunity in the NT and the context of learning medicine. She brings intimate knowledge of the student experience and a reflective thoughtful approach to listening to concerns and issues and problem solving!
Dr Elise O’Connor, undertaking GP training with ACRRM, is placed as an Academic registrar with the Flinders NTMP. Elise is developing teaching sessions for Year 4 on Communication in medicine in the NT context and in particular with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This project will be evaluated in a partnership with the Communicate study team at Menzies School of Health Research, Prof Anna Ralph and Vicki Kerrigan. Elise is a graduate from James Cook University and completed her Yr5 and 6 in the NT, with subsequent employment in the Royal Darwin Hospital. She has a passion for the importance of respectful communication in health care and contributes actively to support our medical students transition to internship.
Associate Professor Emma Kennedy RACGP
A/Prof in Medical Education & Training
Flinders Medical Program (NT)