Updates from the MD Director

Dear colleagues,

Clinician engagement and robust assessment for medical students remain important priorities for the Flinders MD. While the MD3 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is still some months away, our team of academic and professional staff and clinician educators are already busy making preparations. Dr Anthony Khoo is leading a dedicated team of OSCE ‘station leads’, who are liaising with their clinical colleagues to develop and review clinical cases. I’d particularly like to thank Anthony, Dr Russell Laver, Prof Michael Baigent, Dr Peter Michelmore, Dr Felix Tan, Dr Liz Beare, Dr Elaine Leung and Dr Tim Bright for their enthusiasm and commitment.

To develop, or share, your skills in clinical case writing and assessment, please consider joining the OSCE Workshop on Monday 15 May. Register here

I would like to thank all the staff, Academic Status holders and clinicians who have been involved in MD planning, teaching, assessment and support so far this year. If you are a clinician and don’t have Academic Status yet, please contact our Clinician Support Team to apply and seek support for your teaching activity.

Dr Michal Wozniak MBBS FRACGP
Director, Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program

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Director updates