Congratulations to Dr Joseph Fantasia (Flinders MD’23) for publication of his Advanced Studies research, together with supervisor A/Prof Sarah Thompson and Dr Charles Cock, Prof David Watson and Dr Tim Bright.
Fantasia JJ, Cock C, Watson DI, Bright T, Thompson SK. Assessment of laparoscopic fundoplication with endoscopy: room for improvement. Surg Endosc. Pub online Nov 30, 2023. doi:10.1007/s00464-023-10570-4
Congratulations also to Dr Lilian Fellner, Dr Svetlana King & A/Prof Christine Barry on their publication examining factors that influence clinician educators’ teaching of pelvic anatomy to medical students during clinical placement.
Fellner LH, King SM, Barry CM. “Pet things” and “penny drops”-Factors influencing clinicians’ teaching of pelvic anatomy. Anat Sci Educ. Published online Oct 6, 2023. doi:10.1002/ase.2342