Flinders Northern Territory was a major sponsor of the 14th National Rural Health Conference in Cairns from 26th – 29th April, 2017.
The conference provided excellent promotional and networking opportunities to showcase and discuss Flinders NT’s range of educational and research activities to prospective students and collaborators from all areas of the country as well as international delegates.
Specific involvement by Flinders NT staff included:
- Professor John Wakerman, Associate Dean, Flinders NT
Panel member discussing Hopes and Expectations of the Conference - Kath Martin, Lecturer – Indigenous Health at the Centre for Remote Health
Presentation on Cultural competence training for remote practitioners – the NT experience - Heather Jensen, Lecturer – Allied Health, Centre for Remote Health
Presentation on Adults with a disability living a good life in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands
The purpose of the conference was to facilitate the exchange of information, to hear about the latest developments in rural and remote health, and to provide networking opportunities. One of its strengths is the capacity to generate recommendations for action to improve policies and programs for rural and remote health. View recommendations