Pathways to Remote Area Nursing

The ten day face-to-face Transition to Remote Area Nursing (TRAN) program, was held at the Centre for Remote Health in Alice Springs during October. The course which prepares Registered Nurses with skills required for remote area nursing, attracted participants from around Australia and New Zealand.

Cooking kangaroo tails at Purple House in Alice Springs

Week one focussed on cultural safety, the social determinants of health and primary health care.

One of the highlights was cooking kangaroo tails and a bush balm cooking lesson during a visit to Purple House, an innovative Indigenous-owned and run health service providing dialysis treatment and support in Central Australia.



Remote Trauma Skills Plastering Workshop

Week two included a Remote Trauma Skills workshop, providing a day of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to safely assess and manage principles of triage, basic suturing and the application of back slabs within a pre-hospital environment.

The Remote Advanced Nursing Practice module concentrated on the development of foundational skills and knowledge for advanced and extended nursing practice, especially applicable for remote area nurses. Included were the RAN model of consultation, clinical reasoning and assessment and management.

Many participants of the TRAN course also go on to complete Flinders University Postgraduate courses in Remote Health Practice. Both these pathways prepare health professionals for employment opportunities in remote Australia.

Register now for
Transition to Remote Area Nursing 2020
Postgraduate courses in Remote Health Practice

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Centre for Remote Health (CRH) Flinders NT