Research is the foundation for innovation, but research in and of itself is only the first step. Dissemination is key. This award recognises the best of our research higher degree students and their transformative scholarship.
The Best HDR Student Publication is an initiative of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). This annual award demonstrates Flinders University’s commitment to high quality research dissemination. We celebrate the Best HDR Student Publications through these awards.
Awards are made to students selected by each College, to the value of each award will be $1,000. For more information on the award, please visit the awards website.
Please join us in congratulating the following students on receive the Award in 2021.
College of Business, Government and Law
Reem Alothmany – ‘High-Performance Work Systems, Thriving and Employee Outcomes: Wasta as a Boundary Condition’ R Alothmany, Z Jiang, A Manoharan (full refereed paper at conference) Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management 34th conference (ANZAM) December 2021
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Madelaine de Valle – Madelaine K. de Valle, María Gallego-García, Paul Williamson, Tracey D. Wade, Social media, body image, and the question of causation: Meta-analyses of experimental and longitudinal evidence, Body Image,
Volume 39, 2021, Pages 276-292, ISSN 1740-1445,
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Shannon Sandford – Sandford, Shannon. “‘You Can’t Combat Nothing’: Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half and Reframing Mental Illness Through Webcomics.” On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 11 (2021). <>.
College of Medicine and Publish Health
Nyoli Valentine – Valentine, N, Shanahan, EM, Durning, SJ, Schuwirth, L. Making it fair: Learners’ and assessors’ perspectives of the attributes of fair judgement. Med Educ. 2021; 55: 1056– 1066.
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Raechel Damarell – Damarell, R.A., Morgan, D.D. & Tieman, J.J. General practitioner strategies for managing patients with multimorbidity: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research. BMC Fam Pract 21, 131 (2020).
College of Science and Engineering
James Dorey – Dorey, JB, Rebola, CM, Davies, OK, et al. Continental risk assessment for understudied taxa post-catastrophic wildfire indicates severe impacts on the Australian bee fauna. Glob Change Biol. 2021; 27: 6551– 6567.
College of Science and Engineering
Orlando Lam-Gordillo – Orlando Lam-Gordillo, Ryan Baring, Sabine Dittmann, Ecosystem functioning and functional approaches on marine macrobenthic fauna: A research synthesis towards a global consensus, Ecological Indicators, Volume 115, 2020, 106379, ISSN 1470-160X,