On Tuesday, 27 August 2024 hundreds of students visited the “Safety and Respect at Sturt” event hosted by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Sturt Campus. The CNHS R.N.A working group organised the event and invited stakeholders from within the university and outside who all contributed to the event.
Stakeholders at this event (and previous ones) included: Flinders Health Counselling and Disability Services (Robyn Dwight, Sexual Violence Project Officer and Student EO Advisor), International Student Services, OASIS, Shine SA, FUSA, Be a Better Human, Headspace Marion, and the Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia.
This event, the fourth in a series, was designed to raise awareness on crucial issues such as sexual harassment and assault, fostering a culture of respect and consent in relationships, and the importance of diversity and inclusion. The event also emphasised the significance of bystander intervention, encouraging participants to take proactive steps in promoting a safer campus environment.
In addition to these topics, the event actively promoted the ‘Consent and Respectful Relationships’ as well as the “MATE Active Bystander Program” online training modules, both of which are available to all students and staff at Flinders.
These resources are integral to building a community where everyone understands their role in upholding respect and safety at Flinders.
Students were also asked to “Stick It to Safety and Respect” by sharing their ideas on what safety and respect mean to them and what they need for a better campus environment.
Reminder: All HDR students are encouraged to complete the Consent and Respectful Relationships as well as the MATE Active Bystander Awareness online training modules. Both are available on FLO (Canvas) using the links above.
If you or anyone you know has experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or sexual assault at Flinders, please visit the ‘Safety and Respect at Flinders’ webpage for more information about support services and the reporting options that are available both at Flinders and in the Community.