In line with Flinders University closure periods, there will be a change to library services between 22 December 2022 and 8 January 2023. Access to online resources will continue to be available 24/7 from any location, via Findit@Flinders. We wish everyone a restful break and look forward to seeing you in 2023!
Library branch access
- Central, Sturt and Medical libraries will continue to be open 24/7 to staff and current students (including on public holidays). Swipe card access must first be enabled by Security in order to enter the building. Access to Medical library requires a SAHLN/FMC ID card.
- Access to computers, wi-fi, printers, and physical borrowing (using ID card at self-check machines) will remain as normal.
- Information desks will be staffed until close of business on 21 December, resuming on 3 January (Medical branch staffed services will resume on 9 January).
- Doors will be closed (at Central and Sturt) to the public from 22nd December to 2nd January. Only students and staff (or an accompanying carer) can enter during this time.
- Drop-ins and sessions in The Commons will re-commence closer to Semester 1.
Borrowing and access to information resources
- Physical items can continue to be borrowed by current students and staff throughout the break. An ID card (with swipe card access enabled by Security) is required to enter the library and to borrow books using the self-check machines in each branch.
- Items can continue to be requested through the break, new requests will be filled after 4th January.
- Items already on loan (before 22 December) will have the due date extended so that items can returned after 9 January. Current due dates can be viewed via My Account.
- Document Delivery requests can continue to be placed throughout the break and requests will be filled week commencing 9 January.
- SendIt (off campus library service) requests can continue to be placed throughout the break and requests will be filled from 9th January.
- Special Collections appointments will resume from 16 January 2023. Email Special Collections first to make an appointment.
Services for researchers and academic staff
- All services will resume as normal from Monday 9 January 2023.
- Workshops resume on 31st January and can be booked via iEnrol.