Professor David Lewis, whose expertise lies in solar energy research was asked to feature in an item covering solar energy in SA on ABC’s 730 report:
The feature concentrates on company Tindo Solar, Australia’s only solar cell manufacturers, based in SA. It outlines their contribution to the market and the benefits of installing solar cells locally to create mini-power stations. Tindo also highlight the need to embrace new technologies and work with Universities in order to implement the latest cutting edge technologies into their business.
Flinders are currently working with Tindo to explore how to fit battery storage systems into it’s next generation of panels. Professor Lewis also outlines some more current research at Flinders NanoCentre looking at the latest design for transparent flexible solar cell. The backdrop features Lachlan Larsen at work in the state-of-the-art solar cell simulation laboratory. The item also highlights the newly form South Australian Renewable Energy Institute (SAREI), which is a collaborative research initiative between, Flinders University, UniSA and University of Adelaide. This collective will combine expertise with the aim of SA becoming a world leader in this space.