New REST module available – HDR Practice and Process

We are happy to share that the next module in the new REST FLO (Canvas) site is now available.

The HDR Practice and Process module outlines the governance, process and support available in a higher degree by research. It details the policies and procedures that govern HDRs, giving you an overview of the governance structure. The module also highlights support available to students to ensure your wellbeing and safety on campus, through consent and respectful relationship policy and resources, detailing the student complaints policy and your rights as a student. The module also introduces you to ethical research principles, including four online activities on how to approach your research ethically.

To view and complete the module, please click the link below to be taken directly to the module. If you are not yet registered in the REST FLO (Canvas site), you will first need to register via

We would love to hear your feedback on this module, as well as the other modules and content we are creating through the new REST site. So please reach out anytime at

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