RED Hot off the Press: 29 Mar. 2023

Science communication:  Elevator Pitch – how to

Every fortnight Briony Forbes and guest editors curate a short list of resources to inform and inspire your research and teaching practices. 

For FHMRI Researchers – what makes a good pitch and how to build one…

  • Dr Amy Wyatt recently shared her thoughts and experiences at a workshop for HDR candidates.  Her presentation has relevance for all FHMRI researchers and clearly articulates the framework of a strong pitch.

Going Up! Elevator Pitches for Scientists…

  • What is it and why do I need one?

How do you explain science and scientific research to people with a non-scientific background?

  • Anders Sahlman, science communicator and presentation coach gives you his best advice in this 7.5 minute video

The Elevator Pitch: Presenting your research in conversation…

  •  The University of Notre Dame shares their approach to developing a strong, concise description of your research.

Pitch your research in less than 3 minutes…

  • Wake up your audience, take them by the hand and send them home with one clear idea.

If you have resources you would like to share, please email

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