Professor Paul Worley (Dean School of Medicine) and Professor Fran Baum attended a meeting in London on 19th November convened by Professor Michael Marmot (UCL, London) to discuss the establishment of an Academic Consortium on the Social Determinants of Health. Other notable health equity researchers attending included Professor Margaret Whitehead (University of Liverpool), Professor Robert Blum (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore), Professor Johan Mackenbach (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Professor Sharon Friel (ANU). The meeting decided to establish the consortium with a focus on using research evidence to encourage the implementation of policies designed to reduce health inequities. It is great that Flinders is in at the start of this consortium and that the Southgate is recognised as one of the global leaders for research on health equity and social determinants. Paul Worley also impressed the group with the work Flinders School of Medicine has done to recruit Aboriginal medical students and establish the parallel rural curriculum. We will look forward to working with the new consortium over the coming years.