The trip which was planned months ago kicks off today. 4 days in LA, 11 days on an American Contiki tour then a flight from San Francisco to Miami before I start studying my Bachelor of Business with all the American students at the University of Miami. I can’t wait for my travelling, and am even more excited to experience how the other side of the world study and learn.
Which brings us to today, Leaving Day. Today is the day that I jump on my first ever international flight and fly for approximately 16 hours from Adelaide, to Auckland and then to Los Angeles, California, USA! Honestly, I am just excited to see LAX, the international airport. I have never seen anything that size before, and anyway, Miley sung about it (before she went crazy) so it must be special…. Right?
Pre leaving, packing would have to have been the hardest thing. I squeezed everything I needed into one suitcase and one backpack for carry on. When I got to the terminal my bags were weighed, totalling 23kg and 7kg respectively. The exact amounts you are allowed to bring without paying extra for baggage…. phew. Now all I need to figure out is how I am going to find room to buy souvenirs, especially when I have to take a domestic flight from San Francisco to Miami in a couple of weeks. I guess I’m just going to have to wear as many clothes as I can on the flight.
It is actually quite a nice winter’s day here in Adelaide today. Which means it will be good flying for at least some of the trip. However, I might have actually preferred it if it was raining, would have made it a little easier to say goodbye to my home town. As excited as I am, I am going to miss everyone like crazy. But I know I will make lots of new friends, and that makes me happy .
The weather in LA is so much better though. Warm but not too warm and there is not a cloud in the sky. I don’t know if this is because I was on a plane for a rather large chunk of today, but the air smells different here, then it does in Adelaide. Almost cleaner….which I don’t understand at all.
With hardly any sleep on the plane, I think it’s time for me to go take a nap. I’ll leave the sightseeing until tomorrow.
See you on the flip side.
Xo Haylee