Study Abroad Semester at Flinders

Last year, I took a leave of absence from my home university and decided to come to Flinders University to utilize the Study Abroad Program.  Although […]


毎日日本語を勉強します! (Every day I study Japanese!) As an international student at Flinders University, the idea of studying in a foreign country is not new to me—culture […]

A Word for Kindness is ‘優しさ’

The most significant difference (so far) between my experiences studying in Adelaide and Hiroshima is the language barrier. A few months of part-time self-study was definitely […]

Preparing for Exchange- 68 Days!

Friday 21st June 2019  Currently, it is 68 days before we fly out to Calgary, Canada. Up until recently it felt as though time was going […]

Off we go to MMU

Being accepted on exchange still feels so surreal and it’s hard to believe I am leaving Adelaide in just 4 days! It is such a daunting […]