PACE Mentoring for students or jobseekers with a disability

PACE Mentoring


PACE stands for ‘Positive Action towards Career Engagement’. It is a mentorship program run by the Australian Network on Disability, who I’ve mentioned previously in relation to the Stepping Into program.

The PACE program connects students/ jobseekers with mentors from leading Australian businesses (ANZ and Cummins and sponsors).

The mentor and mentee meet around 6-8 times over a four-month period (April to August, or August to December), during which the mentor provides unique opportunities for the mentee to build valuable skills and networks. Opportunities include:

  • reviewing resumes and cover letters
  • mock interviews
  • worksite visits
  • networking with other professionals
  • discussing workplace adjustments
  • building confidence in the workplace
  • mapping career objectives
  • understanding key strengths and abilities

Applications for 2018 are now open.

To learn more about the program, visit the “information for jobseekers” page, and also find out what previous mentees thought about the program in this video:

Also, read about Curtis, profoundly deaf from birth, and his journey from mentoring to paid employment.












Finally, check out the most recent PACE Mentoring Brochure.

PACE Mentoring Brochure

If you have been part of the program before, and would be ok sharing your experience, I’d love to hear from you, or speak to one of our Disability Advisors.

Posted in
Job and work opportunities

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