A little while back I set up the “Feeling Stressed” page on our website. It is a series of simple suggestions and links you can utilise if University life is getting the better of you.
I keep it updated with new links and ideas as I get to know the wellbeing resources that are available.
To promote the page, we have also printed off some A2 posters that can be put around the university.
I will be putting some up in the next couple of weeks, but if you’d like a poster in your study area (e.g. you have a noticeboard that gets a lot of traffic), contact me. I can deliver it to you, or you can pick it up from Health, Counselling and Disability Services.
Essentially you’ll be giving staff and students in your area an anonymous support service they can use if they are struggling.
Now of course you will want to see the poster before committing to promoting it.