Welcome Zoe (Equal Opportunity Officer) back to the blog 🙂 – with an update on a new sexual health resource…
I recently learnt about this new website launched by NSW Health and thought it was a great resource to share.
Play Safe https://playsafe.health.nsw.gov.au/ has a whole lot of info on sexual health and STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infections), including symptoms, myths and facts, a blog, and even an option to send your anonymous sexual health questions to “Ask Nurse Nettie”– a qualified sexual health nurse!
On here you can also find a link to the #TakeBlaktion campaign – a sexual health awareness campaign targeting Aboriginal young people and championed by Steven Oliver & Elizabeth Wymarra from ABC’s Black Comedy. Black Comedy stars, Elizabeth Wymarra and Steven Oliver.
The page be translated into almost 100 languages which is awesome, and also includes a national search database to find your local sexual health clinics.
Our GPs at HCDS can assist you with STI and pregnancy tests and contraceptive advice. You can book online https://students.flinders.edu.au/student-services/hcd/health or by calling 8201 2118.
ShineSA is another great service for your sexual health needs, and is free if you are under 30yo and have a Medicare card, or are one of ShineSA’s ‘communities of interest’ (About SHINE SA – SHINE SA.
Find out more here: https://www.shinesa.org.au/ .