For most of us, the idea of seeking help for our mental health involves going to see someone: GP, psychologist, counsellor, psychiatrist.
But in Australia we are lucky to have many online mental health information sites, treatment programs, support communities, phone/chat services and mobile apps that can supplement face-to-face options, or maybe in some cases, even replace them.
The eMHPrac team out of QLD keep track of the many digital mental health resources available in Australia.
The publish a comprehensive guide of all the Australian evidence-based digital mental health resources. Their latest version has just been published.
Although published with mental health practitioners in mind, the guide, in my mind, is equally useful for members of the community wanting to find digital mental health resources to help them cope with whatever mental health conditions they might be struggling with.
You can access the guide as a PDF.
Or you can view and browse the same resources as a website.
Services specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can be found in this guide.
If you are having trouble identifying what might be an appropriate digital mental health tool for your needs, feel free to contact me at