After a very long journey, with numerous stops and starts, I’m finally ready to start delivering workshops on the topic of mental fitness.
At this stage, I am planning online workshops of around 90 minutes in length delivered via Collaborate from Oasis Online.
I am taking expressions of interest at this stage.
To indicate your interest in attending one of these workshops, just email me: gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au
To give you a sense of the material that will be covered, you can check out the workshop slides here.
What we’ll cover is:
- What is mental fitness?
- Why you should build it?
- How do you build it?
- Where to get started
- Traps to look out for
Anyone with an interest in self-development and self-improvement should find some of the concepts and ideas in the workshop interesting.
I’ll provide a model (R.I.P.P.E.D.) to help you work out how to develop mental fitness workouts for yourself.
I’ll use the workshops to further develop the program and if interest is high, I hope to dovetail this mental fitness stuff with some other projects developing a high performance stream for students wanting to enhance their overall wellbeing and academic performance.
Anyway, for the time being, if you are interested in participating in a mental fitness workshop, just email me to register your interest: gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au
Looking forward to it 🙂
PS – I am seeing whether or not I can get Horizon points for participating and also whether we might be able to do some out-of-hours workshops for those with full days.
What is it?
A 90-minute workshop with me (Dr Gareth Furber from Health, Counselling and Disability Services) in which I will give you a blueprint or framework for self-development and self-improvement.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is interested in making improvements in their lives.
Anyone who wants to understand the tangible steps one takes to make improvements in one’s life.
Anyone interested in personal psychology
Anyone training to be in a helping profession that wants a model not only for their own mental health but to assist others in theirs.
Anyone working on their physical fitness who’d like to know how the principles apply to mental fitness.
Anyone dealing with mental ill health.
Anyone working in a high pressure or high stress setting and wants tools for understanding how to be more resilient.
What do I think you’ll get out of it
An understanding of mental fitness and how to build it.
An understanding of why it might be important for you to build mental fitness.
An awareness of the parts of your life where you might make improvements.
Experience of different mental fitness ‘workouts’.
A practical understanding of habit formation.
An appreciation of the fact that mental fitness can be built without necessarily investing a huge amount of time or effort.
Can you get Horizon points?
Yes I think so. I am working with them at the moment to determine how many.