Disordered Eating Resources


The Flinders University Services for Eating Disorders (FUSED) is offering free evidence-based treatment for eating disorders, as part of a study they are conducting. See this separate post. 

For those who are concerned they might have disordered eating we also suggest the following:

  1. Spend a bit of time reading the materials on the CCI website. They’ve been producing self-help materials relating to disordered eating for a while now and their materials are a good starting point if you want to better understand different types of disordered eating and whether or not you might have a problem – https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Disordered-Eating
  2. Contact the Statewide Eating Disorder Service directly to learn more about what some of your treatment options are.

Remember you can always make an appointment to speak to one of our counsellors here at Flinders. Chatting through what you are experiencing may help you make the decision to pursue further treatment.

There is also the Butterfly foundation who publish a lot of educational material and also have National Helpline.

Got a question about eating disorder resources? Feel free to email me (gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au) or the counselling service (counselling@flinders.edu.au)

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