AND’s Stepping Into program is a paid internship scheme that matches talented university students with disability with roles in leading Australian businesses.
For students, it’s a chance to gain vital work experience during study. For businesses, it’s a talent pipeline that helps cultivate an inclusive and diverse workplace culture.
We’ve just been notified via email that AND have extended the application deadline for Stepping Into Internships to midnight Sunday 10th October!
They have a great number of opportunities in Adelaide this summer. Internships are available to students studying Commerce, Social Sciences, Education, Policy and more!
Australia Post
- Government Service Team Intern
- Linehaul Operations Intern
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- HR Intern
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Digital Services Contact Centre Administration Assistant
- South Australia State Office Intern
National Disability Insurance Agency
- Compensation Recoveries Project Officer Intern
For a full list of the internships and position descriptions, visit our website.
If you want to apply for the Stepping Into program, or if you have applied and want more tips and tricks on interviewing – head along to their free Plan for Success online information session on Tuesday 5 October 11am-12pm Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne time.
These sessions are strongly recommended for all applicants as they will take you through the application process for Stepping Into, including top tips on:
- job applications
- writing cover letters
- preparing for interviews
- networking.
There’s no need to register – just come along on the day.
You can find login details for the session here.
Don’t forget to followthem on Facebook for updates!