Changes to Be Well Plan dates for 2022

Overview: The Be Well Plan is a mental health program available to students as part of a suite of training options provided by HCD and Oasis. In this post you’ll find the training dates for 2022 and instructions on how to sign-up. Reading time ~ 2 minutes


The Be Well Plan is an evidence-based mental health program. It teaches you how to build and implement your own mental health and resilience plan to cope during difficult times and bring positive emotions and experiences into your life. It is like having a personal trainer for the mind.

A valuable set of life skills!

If you were in the general community, you’d have to pay to get access to this program, but being a Flinders University student, you get it for free. On top of that, having delivered it to hundreds of students now, we know that the program leads to measurable improvements in different aspects of mental health.

The training dates for 2022 have been announced!! (note the cancellation of the March training)

Option 1 ➡ Program starting Wednesday the 9th March, for five consecutive weeks, from 6-8pm on Collaborate (cancelled)

Option 2 ➡ Program starting Friday 6th May, for five consecutive weeks, from 9,30am to 11.30am in the Oasis Common Room (or Collaborate if restrictions are in place)

Option 3 ➡ Program starting Tuesday 16th August, for five consecutive weeks, from 3pm to 5pm on Collaborate

Option 4 ➡ 1 x 6 hour session on the 21st October, starting 9am in the Oasis Common Room (or Collaborate if restrictions are in place)


To register your interest, simply email (from your Flinders email address) with the option you’d like to attend. We’ll confirm this with you and then provide some reminder emails closer to the date with information about location, research and more.

Looking forward to meeting you and sharing this program with you.

Take care
Gareth & Vanessa
Be Well Trainers


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Be Well Plan Flinders services and programs free Mental Health Psychological Tools Training Treatment Options Well-being at Flinders

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