Overview: The Be Well Plan is a training program that equips students with skills to grow their mental health and cope during difficult times. In this post, find out about the program starting May 13th and consider signing up. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.
The Be Well Plan is a mental health focused program that teaches you to create your own mental health and resilience strategy. It is like getting 5 sessions with a personal trainer for the mind!
It is a great program to learn actionable strategies for coping during difficult times and growing one’s mental health.
We’ve been lucky to be able to teach this evidence-based program to many students over the past couple of years.
We try to run a few each year and there is one coming up in May that you can join. It is being run by counselling team members Vanessa and Gareth.
It starts on the 13th May and runs for 5 weeks on Friday mornings (1oam to 12pm) face-to-face at Oasis Community Centre. We’re pretty stoked that we can run f2f programs again 🥳
Why would you do this program?
University study is a great pathway to a new life, but it comes with a variety of stresses along the way: long hours, challenging material, balancing study with other aspects of life. A program like Be Well teaches you the tools that psychologists have developed for managing stress and thriving and remaining productive even during the busiest times.
In this community this program would cost you a couple of hundred dollars to do. Flinders students get it for free because of a partnership with Be Well Co.
Ok, you’ve convinced me, where do I sign up?
To register all you need to do is email facilitator Gareth on gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au and say you want to do the 13th May Be Well Plan program.
Even if you miss the 13th May date, there are other dates this year (see this post) that you can RSVP for as well.