Expand your health service options with Flinders Community Clinics


Access low-cost and free health services by considering Flinders Community Clinics. Reading time ~ 1 minute.

When students think about health services at Flinders, their first port of call is where I and my colleagues work – Health, Counselling and Disability Services.

That is a good thing! We want students to know that GP, counselling, disability support, equal opportunity, wellbeing promotion and community engagement (i.e. Oasis) services are available to them.

But there are other health support services available at the university through Community Clinics.

Community Clinics within universities are typically clinics that provide lower-cost or free services to the general community and operate as training sites for students in allied health and related domains.

So if you see a physiotherapist at Flinders Health2Go, you are likely seeing a physiotherapy student in the last stages of their training (supervised by experienced physiotherapists).

Flinders has a range of Community Clinics covering psychology, optometry, hearing, sleep, legal, speech pathology, physiotherapy and cognitive behaviour therapy.

You can find out about all these clinics at https://stage.flinders.edu.au/engage/community/clinics

There might be something of value to you here.

Another similar access point for health services like physiotherapy, massage, dietetics and exercise physiology is the Flinders Gym.

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Flinders services and programs Healthy Lifestyle Mental Health Physical Health Well-being at Flinders

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