ABC News on a bit of a health bender at the moment

When the busyness of the academic year subsides a little, what will you turn your attention to? If it is health, ABC News might be a good start. Reading time ~ 1 minute. 

ABC (Australia) is one of the better news services (in my opinion).

I get their regular email updates and newsletters (my information habits are a bit old skool).

They are on a bit of a health bender at the moment, encouraging Australians to do their ‘health check‘ and then engage with a growing number of news and advice articles.

The ‘health check‘ gets you to consider potential healthy changes in one of four areas – diet, alcohol, exercise, sleep. It then asks you some questions, provides some insights and data, provides little quizzes, and provides some advice for making improvements in that chosen area. Not a comprehensive health check, but a good chance to stop and think about what improvements you’d like to make to your health and consider a few suggestions.

Whilst mental health (my pet topic) doesn’t appear in the ‘health check’, it does feature regularly in their large database of health articles. ABC have been good over the last few years at expanding their coverage of mental health and I get a dedicated newsletter from them on the topic every week or so.

I suspect that longer-term, coverage of physical and mental health will be increasingly merged, as we unpick the complex interconnectedness of the two.

So, when exams and assignments are done, consider whether you’d like to make health a focus for the summer break. If you do, ABC Health wouldn’t be a bad place to start to get some inspiration and ideas. If traditional websites/email isn’t your jam, you’ll find ABC News on all the various social medial platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Apple News).

PS – apologies for the terrible header graphic. I’m not on my A game today.

Posted in
Health Information Healthy Lifestyle Mental Health Physical Health Recommended Reading

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