Psychological Wellbeing and Lifestyle in University Students (PLUS) Network Opportunity

This one goes out to Flinders researchers and PhD/Masters students with expertise and/or interest in the psychological wellbeing and lifestyle of university students.

I am a member of the PLUS Research Network. Hooray me!!

What is it exactly? Well, it’s a network of researchers with expertise or interests in the psychological wellbeing and lifestyle practices of university students.

I am a member because it puts me in contact with researchers who are developing new insights into how to help university students achieve better health and wellbeing.

The PLUS Research Network is interested in boosting their membership.

Are you or anyone you know interested in joining? This is particularly relevant to Flinders researchers, educators and PhD/Masters students.

Membership is open to all Australian researchers with expertise or interests related to psychological wellbeing and lifestyle of university students. This includes research related to:

  • Psychological wellbeing and mental health of university students,
  • Health behaviours (e.g. diet, physical activity, sleep, substance use) of university students,
  • The interrelationship between psychological wellbeing/mental health and health behaviours.

Membership is FREE, and all you need to do is fill out the registration form

Please feel free to pass on the above details, including the registration form link, to anyone you know that may be interested.

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Community External health and mental health services Healthy Lifestyle Mental Health Our Partners Participate Research and Reports Staff Well-being

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