What is Studyology? – an online program for overcoming procrastination and study avoidance πŸ“š

Studyology is a group program to help students tackle that classic study challenge: procrastination. In this post learn about the history of the program to see if it something you want to do. If you already know you want to do it, you can register your interest here. Last updated 28/11/24.Β 

One of my goals with this blog is to equip readers with practical tools for becoming better students (e.g. the procrastination workbook, the ‘Getting Off To A Good Start‘ guide).

This is because many students struggle with the academic demands of university. For those coming from high school, it is a major step up in terms of expected quality. For those coming back to study from a long break (e.g. perhaps they have been working), the whole concept of assignments and exams can be a rude shock to the system.

The pressures of academic study can lead many students to feel quite anxious and stressed out and start avoiding their assignments (procrastination). We see many of them here at Health, Counselling and Disability Services. That is why we developed Studyology. For a history of the program, keep reading. To jump straight to how to do the program, scroll down.


Studyology V1

Early in 2018, I spoke to Ben, one of the counsellors and the manager of OASIS at the time. He had a very cool suggestion that he and I should run a regular group program to help students tackle procrastination. So we did it!! The group was called Studyology V1. It ran every Tuesday, during term time, fromΒ 10am to 11.30am at OASIS.

The group was a place where Ben and I could share our knowledge of effective study strategies, and where students could learn and get support from each other. It was a place to learn how to deal with procrastination, study anxiety, perfectionism, lack of motivation, and assignment avoidance.

We had a small but dedicated group who showed up regularly to the sessions and they were a pleasure to run. We focused on sharing evidence-based strategies for learning and studying. Some of these I’ve shared previously on this blog. What was great is that it wasn’t just Ben and I sharing strategies. Participants in the group shared what had worked (and not worked) for them.

We have fond memories of our time running Studyology V1.


We then created Studyology V2!

In 2019, Ben and I created a new version of Studyology. It was imaginatively titled Studyology V2.

Instead of an open-group where people dropped in when they felt like it, we condensed down the key teachable components to 4 must-attend sessions. We retained the positive aspects of doing this work in a group but enhanced it by teaching specific techniques and ideas for tackling the underlying psychological factors that lead to study anxiety and avoidance.

We covered:

  • psychological flexibility and why it is needed to tackle study anxiety
  • why people procrastinate and the different types of procrastination
  • the relationship between stress and performance
  • how you can become anxious and fearful of your studies
  • simple psychological tools for reducing distress and re-engaging with your studies

We gave room during sessions for students to share their challenges with others. There is something uniquely therapeutic in learning that other people are struggling with the same thing, and problem-solving as a group.

In addition, Studyology V2 was very action oriented, meaning that between sessions we invited students to apply the concepts learned in session to tackling real-world assignments or projects that they were avoiding. We got students actively starting and completing assignments over the 4 weeks that they did the course with us.

We ran 3 of these Studyology V2 groups during 2019 and the feedback was positive. We had such good sessions that I wrote a few blog posts over 2019 dealing with some of the cool things that were being discussed in these sessions (here, here, here, here and here).


Studyology V3 (current version) is born in 2020

Studyology V3 is the current version of Studyology.

We were initially going to deliver Studyology V3 in the same way as we delivered Version 2, namely face-to-face.

Then the Coronavirus hit and all of us went online.

Not one to be defeated by a pesky virus, I got to reformatting the program for the online environment.

I took the opportunity to tighten up some of the program components, create accompanying support materials (e.g. worksheets) and create a novel Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) based procrastination program, which was the original vision of Ben when he created the program.

I’ve run multiple Studyology groups since shifting to V3 which have gone well. We’re getting better at delivering the program online and continue to enhance the program based on student feedback.

I also made available some recorded lectures and session materials via Dropbox so people can work through the materials in their own time if they can’t attend the program live.


Ok, enough history, how can I do the program?

Studyology sessions for 2025 have not yet been scheduled. But never fear!

  1. We are taking expressions of interest (EOI) from students who want to do the program. Once we have enough students, we’ll announce dates. Simply complete this form to register your interest.
  2. You can access recorded lectures and session materials from a previous Studyology program via Dropbox
  3. There is a Studyology Email Distribution List – it grew out of the last program and is a community of students (staff welcome also) to whom I send the occasional procrastination/ productivity focused email. It is a way for all of us to stay committed to working on our procrastination tendencies.

If you have questions about the program, feel free to email me – gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au with your question, comment, or request.


For staff specifically……….Β 

If you are a staff member and are interested in me running Studyology for an existing student cohort, please email me to let me know (gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au) and we can try to find a suitable time/place to deliver it.

If you just have questions about the program – feel free to email me or find me on LinkedIn.

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