2025 – Let’s go!

Excited about 2025? Excellent – nothing to see here. If not, join me in some gentle and kind self-nudging.

At 9am this morning, I sat down at my desk to kick off the 2025 working year.

There’s so much to do that I feel a bit nauseous.

It’s been a long time since I was a student, and I won’t pretend to know exactly what life is like for modern students. But I do know the feeling of staring down something that feels insurmountable.

I know that sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach, the overwhelming urge to retreat to a safe corner, and the slowly amplifying noise of negative self-talk.

I’d be lying if I said I was excited—an unusual start for me, given that I usually begin the year with metaphorical jazz hands.

But this moment serves as a good reminder of the practices I often recommend to students during times of overwhelm:

  • Gratitude: Even amid negativity, I can always find things to be thankful for—like a job that genuinely challenges me.
  • Mindfulness: When the days feel like they’re moving at lightspeed, I can carve out moments of stillness, awareness, openness, and even a little prayer.
  • Body Health: Starting the day with a walk, protecting my sleep, and squeezing in some vegetables go a long way.
  • Acceptance: Letting go of the need to control everything makes space for peace.

These tools don’t magically transform me into Dr. Optimism, but they do help me keep my head above water when I feel like I’m sinking.

My hope is that your start to 2025 feels a little more energised than mine.

But if it doesn’t, that’s okay too. You can still make a great start, even if it takes a bit of prodding to get going.

Let’s go!!

[PS – I just finished my first proper task for the year, so that feels good]

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Random Gareth Pontifications

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