Procrastination and mental health mailing lists kick off soon

It is February! It is time to get serious. For me in my role, that means starting conversations about mental health and tackling procrastination.

Last year I got good momentum going on two mailing lists.

The first is the Procrastination Mailing List. 

The second is the Be Well Plan/ Mental Health Mailing List. 

I’ll be firing those up again this year, aiming for an email every 3 weeks (on both lists) covering theory, tips, research and reflections on how we tackle procrastination and build positive mental health.

The Procrastination Mailing List will kick off on the 10th Feb and the Mental Health Mailing List will kick off on the 17th Feb.

If either of these sound interesting to you, you can sign up to them at their respective links.

Procrastination Mailing List ✉️

Mental Health Mailing List ✉️

You’ll need to sign up with your Flinders email. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Staff are welcome to sign up as well 🙂

Posted in
Academic skills Be Well Plan Flinders services and programs Gareth experiments on self Health Information Learning Mental Health Participate Performance Productivity Psychological Tools Random Gareth Pontifications Recommended Reading

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