Should you start using a mindfulness app?
In the realm of mental health, reaching those who need it can be challenging, with many individuals not seeking professional help. To address this, mobile apps […]
In the realm of mental health, reaching those who need it can be challenging, with many individuals not seeking professional help. To address this, mobile apps […]
Overview: Dave from Oasis leads meditation sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Oasis Centre. Join him and practice this ancient method of exploring the mind. […]
Mindfulness is the process of paying close attention to the present moment in an accepting and non-judgmental way. Whilst not a magical cure for anything […]
I’ll be blogging my way through the Coronavirus period, with a focus on the psychological impacts and how to keep yourself and the people you […]
Back in September of 2018, I started a regular practice of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation was so regularly being talked about in the scientific literature […]
Mindfulness meditation is very popular at the moment. Maybe I am just attuned to it because of my profession, but I seem to be hearing […]