Starting university can be daunting, and it can be hard to get your head around all the different support services available to you. To help you navigate the university and get settled in a bit easier, students returning to Flinders in 2019 have shared their pearls of wisdom by answering the question ‘what do you wish you knew when you started uni at Flinders?’
“I wish I knew…
…you could see a doctor on campus and about special collections in the library.”
…that disability access plans are a thing and your extra needs don’t have to be physical.”
…about health and counselling services. I still occasionally talk to second and third year students who do not know the extent of support the uni offers.”
…that students studying education have to complete Lantite – a literacy test that all teachers have to complete, and that this needs to be done before going on placement.”
… about support services at University. In particular Oasis, Health, Counselling and Disability services and support for assignments such as help with referencing.”
…about essential pre-placement checks – in particular that I would have to get my immunisations done to go on placement for my course.”
…there was a possibility to apply for a fail and course fee waiver if you had exceptional circumstances which meant you had to withdraw with fail from a subject. I also wish I knew that in order to have your application for the waiver considered it had to be made within a year of that particular topic(s).”
…that I would have to register with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) when finishing my nursing degree.”
…that Flinders gives you the Microsoft Office pack for free, so don’t pay for it. Also that you can get the Okta app on your phone”
…that you can sync your Uni calendar with iCal on your phone.”
…that overflow parking is available at car park 12 near the oval for when the main car parks are full. You just get the loop bus in.”
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list. There may be other tips you would like to share, especially if you’ve been at Flinders for a while. If you have a useful tip email who can help share it with new students.
really good to know!