Elevated work platform in car park 7
There is an elevated work platform (EWP) (similar to a small cherry picker) in car park 7 this week, to undertake some sealing to the external façade of the Biology Building on the Level 3 windows. These works are anticipated to take approximately one week, between the hours of approximately 7am and 3pm.
There should be minimal impact to building occupants, other than some minor noise. The work area will be barricaded off, and for safety reasons, the undercroft walkway from Anchor Court to car park 7 will be closed to pedestrians on the western side when the EWP is in use. Please take extra care when moving around these areas and follow any directional signage in place.
Cable repairs in car park 14
SA Power Networks is carrying out vital repairs using an access pit in car park 14 at the Sturt campus. These works are expected to continue throughout August, and will require ongoing access to the access pit on working days. Please slow down and take additional care in this area, particularly when workers are on-site. Please be aware that there will be a minor traffic restriction as you transition from the lower side of car park 14 to the upper section. Due to the location of the pit, a truck will be placed in this location to facilitate access.
Minor bitumen repairs on Ring Road
A small section of bitumen will be repaired on Ring Road, next to car park 3. We anticipate these works will happen outside of business hours and will be completed by the end of this week. Please be mindful of any traffic restrictions around this area.
Registry Lane resurfacing
Due to weather delays, resurfacing works in the loading dock area of Registry Lane (at the back of the Hub) will occur on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 August. There will be no access to the loading dock during this time.
Please note, all bus services for Bus Stop A will be redirected to Bus Stop B (opposite car park 6) during this time. Pedestrians will also be redirected via alternative paths to avoid the works area. Signage will be in place to inform bus users and pedestrians of the temporary changes. Please take additional care in the area and obey all directional signage and traffic management instructions.
Car park 6 reopened
The resurfacing works on the lower level of car park 6 have now been completed. The lower and upper levels of the car park are now fully reopened.